12 de abril de 2011

Infinity de Sherrilyn Kenyon

"El mundo de los Cazadores Oscuros es diferente a cualquier otra cosa que hayas visto antes. Es oscuro. Es descarnado. Es peligroso. Y está lleno de diversión.

Me llamo Nick Gautier y ésta es la historia de mi vida"

A los 14 años Nick Gautier es un adolescente normal y corriente que anda con muy malas compañías. Hasta que una noche decide enderezar su vida y se niega a asaltar a un turista inocente. Entonces su banda la emprende con él y cree que su vida está a punto de acabar... sin embargo sólo es el principio de algo mucho más importante que está por llegar. Kyrian de Tracia no es solo un cazador de vampiros, es un Cazador Oscuro y mete de lleno a Nick en un mundo que nunca creyó posible que existiera.

(Autoras en la sombra)

At fourteen, Nick Gautier thinks he knows everything about the world around him. Streetwise, tough and savvy, his quick sarcasm is the stuff of legends. . .until the night when his best friends try to kill him. Saved by a mysterious warrior who has more fighting skills than Chuck Norris, Nick is sucked into the realm of the Dark-Hunters: immortal vampire slayers who risk everything to save humanity.

Nick quickly learns that the human world is only a veil for a much larger and more dangerous one: a world where the captain of the football team is a werewolf and the girl he has a crush on goes out at night to stake the undead.

But before he can even learn the rules of this new world, his fellow students are turning into flesh eating zombies. And he is next on the menu.

As if starting high school isn't hard enough. . .now Nick has to hide his new friends from his mom, his chainsaw from the principal, and keep the zombies and the demon Simi from eating his brains, all without getting grounded or suspended. How in the world is he supposed to do that?

(Fantastic Fiction)

Sherrilyn Kenyon es una autora de romance paranormal, ha escrito más de 40 libros, y las sagas por la que es conocida son Dark Hunters , League, B.A.D., Chronicles of Nick, Belador y el manga de Dark Hunters.